Thursday, December 18, 2014

Configuring RIP v2 (Exam Topic 4-G)

Configuring RIP v2 can be completed in a 3 easy steps
RIP just works its not the best protocol to use. I can see RIP being used in a very small environment. Even then why not use OSPFv2?
RIP will create a lot of noise advertising its outing table over and over again every 30 seconds.
RIP also uses hops as its only metric when determining routes.

Now that I've pointed out RIP flaws lets configure RIP v2
First to prove a point of hop only metric I will set the serial connection bandwidth between R2 and R1 to 1 KB

We'll start on R1 and work our way down. Now lets enable router RIP

Next will will specify that we're using version 2


Finally we will specify which network we would like to advertise

I will apply the same config and advertise the networks on each router
Now lets take a look at R1 to verify it has learned all of the networks advertised

Now lets do a traceroute from R1 to R4s0/0 interface

We see the route used is R2 fas 0/0 through its s0/0 interface to R4 s0/0 interface

RIP is extremely easy to setup, but I would recommend avoiding RIP in a WAN setup.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Configuring NAT (Exam topic 5-E)

Lets start with the basics.

What is NAT? 
NAT stands for network address translation. It is used by everyone that connects to the internet. Translates private address to public address

What is it used for?
Since IPv4 address are available in limited quantities and dropping rapidly the more users connect to the internet in addition private address can not be used on the internet.

Types of NAT
Static-allow you to create a 1to1 mapping of your private to public address, normally used for web servers or mail servers. allows inbound connection to your server based on your public address.
Dynamic-allows you to use a dynamic pool of public address, your router will dynamically map private to public address
PAT (NAT overload)-based on port numbers Router generates a port number for your private address and a port number for your public address.
Your router keeps a table to track public:port to private:port
PAT is used by almost everyone in the world including your home router

Configuring NAT
Configuring NAT is pretty straight forward, I will only configure dynamic in this example since this is the most common used.

First lets make sure we connect to internet. Since I don't have a static address I'll set my S0/0 interface to DHCP. 
Now lets verify we received an address via DHCP

Success! Now lets set up DHCP for our clients.
First we will began with our exclude range
Note: Remember you must always set your DHCP exclude rage first, There is no easy way of going in and making modification to this exclude range. 

Now lets create our pool name

Next we'll set our network

Next we will set our DNS

Finally we will set our default router (gateway)

Now I'm quickly going to bring fas 0/1 up, give it an IP address of

I've already configured my switch so lets jump into finally setting up NAT
Steps required for NAT

Identify interface (Inside Outside) Since we want to NAT our inside address and we know our inside interface is S0/1 we will set int fas 0/1 to NAT inside, it does take a few to complete the fist time.

We also need to identify our outside interface ans det it to IP NAT outside, it will be S0/0 since this is the interface we have connected to the internet

Next we need to identify our inside IP address via standard ACL, ours will be /24

Next we will use IP NAT connection (Source destination) Our source will be a list the ACL we just created. Our destination would be out int fas 0/0
IP NAT inside source list NAT_Inside interface fas 0/0 overload
Note: overload enables PAT

Now I'm going to do a few dns ping from my switch and verify my NAT translations

Success! I see my request from my switch going through NAT translation

We can break basic NAT down into 3 simple steps 
Identify Inside outside
Create ACL to permit IP address range
Finaly use IP NAT inside source list (ACL) interface (int) overload