Thursday, November 20, 2014

Routing Protocols (Exam Topic 4-G)

Routing protocols
What are routing protocols simply put buddy router updating neighbor routers of their known routes (routers gossiping to each other about learned routers)

In addition if a router (router 2) neighbor learns of a new route from one of its other neighbor router 3 that router (router 2) will update its other neighbor router 1

If new routes are added or added or removed a router will update its neighbor and the news will travel, then they will work together on finding the next best route.

Routing protocols will always find the best path depending on which protocol you use

RIP- works but is not the greatest, default advertisement timer once every 30 seconds will take 90 seconds to determine dropped route. Metric (the best way to reach a destination) hop RIPP will use best metric based on hop not bandwidth will advertise routes over and over again

IGRP - developed by Cisco as an attempt to improve RIP. Uses a metric of bandwidth instead of hop. Hello 90 sec dead timeout 270 (not on test)

OSPF - Open shortest path first the most frequently used of all protocols. OSPF is an open standard protocol. Default hello 10 sec. Will advertise a route once, and will only update changes in routes. Since this saves on bandwidth you can speed up the hello to 2 secs if you like.  Metric for OSPF is called cost the formula for cost is 100/bandwidth (100/1.5)

IS-IS – competitor for OSPF intermediate system to intermediate system, not commonly used IS-IS is similar to OSPF but requires significant amount of configuration

EIGRP - Extremely fast protocol, designed for Cisco routers only the best of RIP (simplicity) best of OSPF (speed)  Metric formula is bandwidth + delay + reliability + load of link+ MTU(maximum transmission unit (size of packet))

BGP – Boarded gateway protocol Used for the internet, all other protocols are used for the inside of your net. BGP can handle millions of routes

Administrative distance is set to a higher value of any routing protocol, it reviews each protocol and determine which protocol metric is better  

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