Sunday, November 16, 2014

Topics Covered on ICND1 Test

1.       Operation of IP Data Networks 6%
a.       Describe purpose and basic operation of OSI and TCP/IP models
b.      Identify appropriate media, cable, ports, etc to connect Cisco devices to other network devices
c.       Predict data flow between two host given known config
d.      Identify common applications and their impact on the network
2.       LAN switching Technologies 21%
a.       Determine the technology and media access control method for Ethernet networks
b.      Describe switching concepts (collision domains, broadcast domains)
c.       Ways to switch (store, forwarding, cut through, CAM table)
d.      Configure initial switch config (hostname, mgmt. IP, IP GW, local user and pw, enable secrete password, console and VTY logins, exec-timeout, password encryption, wr mem)
e.      Verifying network connectivity using ping, telnet, SSH
3.       IP addressing (IPV4/IPV6) 11%
a.       Describe the operation of using private and public IP addressing
b.      Understanding which IPv6 addressing scheme will satisfy the requirements in a LAN/WAN environment
c.       Identify the IPv4 addressing scheme using VLSM and summarization to satisfy addressing requirements in a LAN/Wan environment.
d.      Describe requirements for running IPv6 with IPv4 simultaneously within the same environment
e.      Describe IPv6 addressing (Global unicast, multicast, local link, unique link, EUI 64, Auto-config)
f.        Desibe how VLAN works creating a logical separation between networks.
g.       Config and verify VLANs
h.      Config and verify Trunking (DTP, Auto-negotiation)
4.       IP Routing Technologies 26%
a.       Describe routing concepts (Packet forwarding, Process switching, fast switching/CFE)
b.      Apply basic config to Router via CLI (Hostname, local user and password, enable secret password, console and VTY login, exec-timeout, service password encryption, interface IP,  loopback, banner, create MOD, copy run start/wr mem)
c.       Config and view operation status of an interface
d.      Verify connectivity using ping, traceroute, telnet, SSH
e.      Using Show CDP (neighbors, detail)
f.        Config static route
g.       Understanding different methods of routing protocols
                                                               i.      Static vs dynamic
                                                             ii.      Link state vs distance vector
                                                            iii.      Next hop
                                                           iv.      IP routing table
                                                             v.      Passive interface
h.      Configure interVLAN/Router on a stick
i.         Configure SVI interface
5.       IP Services 8%
a.       Configure DHCP on Router
b.      Describe types of ACLs (standard, Extended Named, Numbered, etc)
c.       Configure ACL
d.      Understanding of the basic operation of NAT (purpose, types, etc)
e.      Config NAT
f.        Config NTP
6.       Network Device Security 15%
a.       Device security (SSH, Telnet, Console password/secret)
b.      Configure switchport security (Limit MAC addresses to port, Sticky MAC, Violations)
c.       Shutting down ports
d.      Err disable recovery
e.      Assigning ports to VLAN
f.        Config ACL to filter traffic
g.       Config ACL to limit SSH to router
7.       Troubleshooting 20%
a.       Troubleshooting VLAN
b.      Troubleshooting Trunking
c.       Troubleshooting ACL
d.       Troubleshooting layer1 (collision, drops, CRC, Runts, etc)

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